"It's great to HEAR BETTER. LONGER...and save money!"

Hearing-Aid "B" Batteries
outlast all other brands.
(Up to 50% longer life)

Small Print:
Like to save money on your hearing-aid "B" batteries? You can! Plenty! Switch to "Eveready" "B" batteries right away. With these batteries you get more full-volume hearing - and many more listening hours between battery changes. And you'd be surprised the way this saving in batteries mounts up... over a period of time. So, if you want to hear better, longer... want to save money... ask your hearing-aid dealer for "Eveready" "B" batteries today!

This exclusive, power-packed construction of "Eveready" "B" batteries was developed through wartime research on the famous proximity fuse.

Eveready Hearing-Aid Batteries
© Eveready